
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Deltagram - Spinning Wheel Lamp

This is a scan of a Spinning Wheel Lamp plan originally published in an old 1930's Deltagram. I was contacted about finding the plan on one of my other blogs:

Kenneth said...
I didn't really have a chance to peruse your site. I was doing a search for Deltagrams. I made a spinning wheel lamp in high school shop from a deltagram that my dad had. This was 1962. I has become lost and I'd like to find a copy if possible even a photocopy. Thought one of your collections might have it
December 9, 2008 11:13 AM

As it were, I found the issue using a Deltacraft index which describes:

From a June 1944 index under Lamp, Table:
Spinning Wheel:
BI 58 (Delta Blueprint 58)
Del 4:48, 5:25 (Deltagram 4 page 48 and Deltagram 5 page 25)
PP 2:4 (Pratical Projects 2, page 4)

I also have a high-resolution scan available here: Spinning Wheel Plan (High Resolution: 1.1 MB)